Reduce Expenses. Cut Energy Waste.
Elevate profits

Energy management solution for restaurants, using automation and technology to reduce utility costs, enhance food safety and increase operational efficiency. 

Save money and energy.

Lower Energy Costs And Carbon Footprint.

PowerX’s advanced system smartly oversees energy use, optimizing all aspects of restaurant operations for efficiency. It acts as a vigilant guardian, identifying waste and promptly modifying usage of large energy consumers such as HVAC to run on off-peak hours, resulting in significant cost savings for you.

Automate manual tasks.

Streamline manual tasks and enhance staff efficiency.

We understand the challenges faced by restaurants in today’s competitive landscape, and that’s why we’ve designed our system to automate manual tasks, such as temperature checks and HVAC, effectively streamlining your operations. By eliminating these time-consuming processes, your employees can focus on what truly matters – delivering exceptional dining experiences to your valued customers.
Operate at peak efficiency.

Improve Equipment Lifespan And Reduce Maintenance Costs.

Monitoring equipment helps conserve energy by identifying waste and supports predictive maintenance. By tracking power usage, inefficiencies are caught early, leading to cost savings and longer equipment lifespans. Detecting power spikes can also signal potential malfunctions before they occur, preventing disruptions and financial losses.

Simplify facility management for multisite operators.

All-in-one platform.

Energy Monitoring

Take control of your restaurant’s energy consumption by measuring usage down to individual appliances. This allows you to identify energy hogs, optimize your usage, predict equipment malfunction before they happen and reduce energy waste to boost cost savings.

Temperature Logging

Eliminate manual temperature checks with integrated sensors that ensure compliance with food safety standards but also help prevent spoilage, thereby preserving your valuable inventory and safeguarding your reputation.

HVAC automation

Optimize HVAC systems for peak performance by letting the system intelligently adjust temperature settings based on conditions like occupancy and weather. Operate during off-peak hours to reduce your costs without compromising guest comfort.

Intelligent Alerts

Stay ahead of potential issues with real-time notifications for energy spikes, temperature deviations, and HVAC needs to proactively address problems before they impact your business.

Reporting & Insights

Harness the power of data analysis to gain deep insights into energy usage patterns, temperature trends, and HVAC performance that enable data-driven decisions to reduce costs and maximize overall efficiency.

Controlled User Access

Easily manage and customize user permissions for your organization and each property. Grant access to an unlimited number of users with the flexibility to match your specific needs for security and delegation.

See how PowerX can reduce your expenses.